Table Talk News

Two Or Three Are Gathered...

Before I begin this discussion, most people who know me knows I do not go to church (a building where people gather to make others feel guilty).
I was a church goer for all my growing up years until my mid 20's. I truly enjoyed going to church to learn more about "God" but even in my younger years I still had issues with some of the practices of my church that I did not feel comfortable with. We are told not to judge one another but in some churches they judge you despite what the scriptures say. In some churches the bible isn't even used just rituals and practices that don't even take God into account. Some churches have people screamin at ya the whole time you are there even though my hearing is just fine if they would talk normal maybe I could "hear" them. And some it is just a social gathering with no mention of God at all.
I read my bible probably not as much as I should and for me talking with God is an easy gesture which I do constantly as if he is standing with me all the time. Which brings to mind,  I heard a sermon from Joyce Meyer one time that said that she had come to the realization one day that there are people in the world who do not know what it is to talk with God. I had an "ah ha" moment with this statement as I thought everybody knew how to talk with him when they learned of him and to my surprise even if they know him some cannot hear him. WOW! that is a sad realization and I pray that they will want and know how to talk with him. Now it is different for one than another in talking with Him. For some it is a voice in their head that speaks to them, for some it is a drive that moves them, for some it is an ache in their heart that speaks to them, for others it is a whisper in the air that speaks to them and I am sure their are other ways but this is what I have heard from others to this point.
Matt 18:20 says "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them."
I look for these opportunities to speak with others when I can or appropriate timing. This is my church!
I believe that He knows what is in our hearts and guides us in our journey of life. If we listen to Him, hear Him and act on what He tells us we are honoring Him the way He has asked of us in the scriptures.
Today the weather is icy/snowy and dangerous on the roads many churches around these parts have been cancelled. Please if you have to go out be careful.....And remember that God will not strike you down if you miss one day of church because you are savoring the life He gave you. If it will make you feel better or you need to be accountable on this day(which should be everyday) then grab your bible, say a heartfelt prayer to guide you in what you should read today and listen/do what he is asking of you through the scriptures.

Copyright © 2014 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2014 M.E. Masterson


  1. On this subject I sorely agree. He and I speak often, well, He listens and I mumble. We've an agreement, the Lord and me.

    1. I had to chuckle at your trip recently to church with your wife.....I am sure it made her day nonetheless! Just glad you have a relationship as some don't want one or don't know how.......:)

  2. Mary, you and my husband are on the SAME PAGE :-)

    1. I have a feeling that a lot of people are on this page....I do not begrudge those who go, some need it but for me I do not find it necessary to go. I have had people tell me its a sin not to go to church that I should be ashamed of myself for not honoring God in this manner, But I do not find it necessary to go to a building to talk with him nor find it necessary to meet with those who only find church a place to gossip on how a person is dressed or what they did this last week or being in my personal business at all...that is not what "Church" is for....Some people have lost the trail and truly need to take a step back and find out what the purpose of "church" is. Jesus went to the mountains for worship, gathered in open areas for church.
      Again I do think there many who think like I do....thanks for coming Mary Ann!


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