Slow Cooked Short Ribs in Wine (Addl' Gravy Recipe Added)


Add frozen Ribs to Crock

Finished Ribs
I am a lazy cooker! Yes, I admit it! I love to cook but most times I am lazy with it. A lot of the time I accidentally get a tasty result! Just ask Mtn Man.....
Anyhow, I am not good at remembering to or I should say haven't ever taken the time to train myself, to get meat out of the freezer the night before or the morning of or whatever. So I usually have something frozen I either have to defrost in the micro or cook the meat frozen.

I started with (8) frozen beef short ribs at noon, put in the crock and added the following items:

2 Heaping Tablespoons of minced Garlic (Have a jar of this stuff on hand)
1/2 of a very large red onion, chopped
1 cup of Apple Cider
4 Cups of Giovanna Wine (Dry Blush Wine)(the rest was consumed)
3 Cups of Water
2 Tbls Monterey Steak Seasoning

Leaving a little room at the top for the moisture to come out of the ribs. Put the lid on, Turned it on high and left it until 6 pm. Although I have already done a taste test...decided to leave in for 6 hrs. The ribs are fork ready for the most part at 5 pm but thought it wouldn't hurt to leave in just a bit more.
The juices I will make a gravy with for the potatoes.....should be really tasty. The juices I tried and it is wonderful. Wish I had scratch and sniff available on this computer because the smell is heavenly!!! Ahhhhhhh
I do hope you try this......
I have made something like this before but with a Cabernet Sauvignon and again it was wonderful!

Wine Gravy:
Ok so I had to add the gravy recipe using the left over juices from this cook. May I say it is sweet, flavorful and just plain yummy!
I took the ALL the juices keeping out the sliced onions and put in a pan to make gravy. Added 1/2 Cup of Cornstarch mixed with a 1/4 Cup of Cold water to the boiling gravy while stirring constantly with a whisk. Stir until you see all the oil is mixed in that is sitting on the top, yes it will mix in, just keep stirring.
Tried to take a picture of all this but this is what I got...wish you could have seen me on this end trying it was funny! Camera around the neck while holding the whisk and the measuring cup of cornstarch trying to out think this deal....ha ha!
The taste was awesome! Sweet, Garlicly( if that is even a word, don't care) and thick.

PPS.....The meat fell off the bone!!! And it was moist like pulled pork.....

Copyright © 2014 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2014 M.E. Masterson


  1. Embarrassingly heavy mouth watering going on here. That looks so good. Aren't crock pots just the best invention?

    1. Yes then one eats it and is embarrassed at the sounds coming out of her mouth! Got the dogs attention! Look for the gravy added onto to this page too Vicki. This is so wonderful! Melted in our mouths!

  2. M.E.,

    Your ribs look delicious!!! Thank for the recipe, I'll need to try it.

    I love my crock pot, thank God for this appliance :-)


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