Soup And Dessert

 Today's Blog Here

Recipe #1- Ham, Kale and Potato Soup
First of All, Kale if you are not familiar is REALLY good for you!! I have used dried kale in this recipe, really easy to do. Nutritional Value . If you do not like it this way try powder . We eat it raw in salads as well.

 6 medium size potatoes, cut up into bite size pieces
1 leftover ham bone with some meat on it
I also used some leftover meat as well
1 whole onion, chopped
1 can of navy beans, rinsed and drained
1 can of kidney beans, rinsed and drained
1 cup of kale chips
1 heaping TBLS of garlic
enough water to cover this mess of goods
season to taste

Boil until the potatoes are done and enjoy!

Recipe #2- Bisquick Quickie
 I came across some Bisquick while unpacking some camping stuff while looking for my baking supplies as my pears and apples needed to be used up.

1 C. of Bisquick
1/2 C of water +/-
mix them together until they are the consistency of pancake batter.
4-5 apples peeled and sliced
1-2 pears peeled and sliced
I used two small pints of berry preserves made with splenda
1 9x13 baking pan

put all the fruit in the bottom of the pan and pour the Bisquick mix over the top of the fruit mix. Bake 350* for 30 min or until your toothpick comes out clean.

Copyright © 2013 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2013 M.E. Masterson


  1. The soup looks so simple to make and so nutritious! I'm writing down the recipe! And the fruit dessert, YUM!

  2. Those look really good.

    Hope all is going well.

    M : )

    1. Going Good except maybe for the leaking wall in our bedroom from the ice creeping down the walls which has made our carpet floor sopping wet and can't do a dang thing about it right at this moment until the ice melts.....cannot wait until we have our house built!! Otherwise we are peachy!! Thank you...


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