Garden Update-Con't

 I was looking up how garden is said in different languages just for giggles. Because sometimes I get bored of my titles for my pages. So Mtn Man walks in and says well in Marquandian (Marquand is the nearest town to us) its called a Sweat Box! Good Morning!! I wanted to share that so we all can be in the asylum together! LOL! If you only knew......
Okie Dokie on to the garden.
I planted my fall carrots on the 14th and beans on the 15th. Beets will be at the end of Aug and Turnips the beginning of Aug.
Zucchini has officially bit the dust!
I never thought one could kill a zuke plant! But it is official! Checking it over it looks like it made an attempt at producing but they rotted. There are new leaves coming on but I don't think it will produce much of anything. Will continue to monitor.....
Pumpkin plant is not producing pumpkin... see for yourself

Not sure what these are.....won't argue with God, we will eat them.
Okra is growing beautifully. Not very tall but producing. Picked our first two day before yesterday. 
Had to dust them because the bugs were eating them up. Japanese Beatles are viscous!
Acorn Squash are growing. The fruit is a bit smaller than last year not sure why but we will eat them anyhow. 
Added them into a dish I made on the barby yesterday. So so good!
Crooked Neck Squash are producing but same thing they are a bit smaller. The bigger they get the more they harden. Not normal compared to last year.
Watermelons have fruit on them. I took one and opened it up. It hadn't turned color yet. The chickens loved that treat!
Lemon Cucumbers are climbing the fence to produce. Picked two off of them the other day.
Guess I didn't take a pic of those...sorry!

Tomatoes have been wrangled...see! Don't think we will grow them any other way from now on!
Tomatoes are slow to come on this year. Think all the issues are weather related.
Well that is all for now!

Try and stay cool today! It is suppose to be a HOT one here!


Love hearing from ya!!!!
Copyright © 2015 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2015 M.E. Masterson


  1. I think people all over are having issues with their gardens this year. I'm glad we still have the stores to fall back on, and time to learn a little more. I hope your garden continues to produce.


  2. I love it when you do a garden tour. I can almost feel the warm dirt on the bottoms of my bare feet and smell that scent that only tomato plants have. Thanks for making my day happier. :)

  3. Thank you Fern! Me too!

    Vicki Darling, When I post these to my page I always think of you!! xoxo

  4. M.E.,

    Your garden is doing very well minus the zukes.

    What type of tomatoes are your growing this season? Indeterminate tomato plants love to climb on a trellis, and can be tied up. I think doing the panels like you did makes it so much easier to take care of tomato plants.

    I think I'll try to go to the farmers market and see what's out now, and see if I can find some deals since the garden is moving slowly at present time. I was able to get another great bean harvest (we had beans with our meal this evening), and more tomatoes.

    I'm wondering if that's a honey dew melon growing instead of a pumpkin??

    Hugs to you both,

  5. My mother in law has been going to the farmers market close to her and she gets some great stuff. She shares with me!
    I am not sure about that.... will have to let ya know what kind it turns into.
    I got the idea on my tomatoes from my inlaws ...theirs is growing tall and beautiful this way. I was a bit late getting it together but I have to say it looks like it will be much easier on the plants than staking them or keeping them wrangled in a cage.


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