Table Talk News

Weekend Updates


 We made Peanuts day today! We fixed the yellow four wheeler and I took her for a ride!!! One Happy Girl!

We stopped off at Jumkman Dan's Place in Fredericktown to see if we could find any treasures and ya know we did! A cultivator ($25) made in the 1940's has oak handles on it just needs a little adjusting and maybe a paint job on the metal. This model comes with a shovel, but Dan thinks he may have the rake that will also fit just has to locate it! 
Older on the left

I also found some older clothes pins because I have been hanging clothes mostly and using the dryer for fluffing or air drying when they are pulled off the line. The ones you buy now are not nearly as strong as the ones they used to make.... Dan had two baskets full of them so I bought a could dozen, well in the end he gave them to me. 
Will have to return to his shop lots of fun items in there I want!

 We are presently shopping for the most reasonably priced electric fence supplies. Mtn Man would like to purchase the polyrope type with steel posts to attach to. The horses are now accustomed to this type of fence from where they are now.

More about our weekend here...

Today it has decided to rain this afternoon. We worked a bit in the garden trying to get up weeds and such before they totally get out of control. I hate weeding!! Love gathering and the glory! Yes, I am a terrible garden keeper unless it is hindering the crop only in between the rows get weeded by a rototiller or cultivator. We did get in an weed out the carrots a bit, the cabbage, kohlarobi, squash, melons, blueberry, some tomatoes, beets and cucumbers. Picked broccoli and cauli (it is so tiny, no point in growing it). Have cut 3 x's on the mix salad row.... probably could get one or two more cuttings. The potatoes are blooming and so are some of the onions unfortunately. Will just have to get busy and use them up no storage for them (onions). Won't be long now!

 Chickies are growing nicely! They get all the vegie scraps we can come up with even little bits of lettuce from the garden. They love it! Looking to find some older ones so we can have the benefit of having eggs now instead of buying them. Just so we know where they come from mostly...... and they would be right here.

The ticks are bad seems we are picking them off of us everyday now. Lots of tick checks even on the dogs who get Frontline protection.

I have a case of the poison oak/ivy not sure which but it is a great case of it! I do hope this will be the last for the year. I tend to be overly sensitive to this stuff even one little tiny weeny piece of a leaf and I will break out like no tomorrow. I have had some really bad cases in the past that caused me to be in the emergency room for shots and pills. Yucky! One big ooze from the inside out, literally! One end to the other unfortunately!
I have been trying to keep control of this one it has appeared on the back of one leg, from wearing shorts on the mower. My arms, from petting and playing with Peanut and on my belly button where my pants meet probably again from mowing. Snuggling Shorty, I have some on my neck under my chin. Doggone stuff!

Not only this but I also have a heat rash across my mid section.......So needless to say, I ITCH EVERYWHERE!!!! It is calming down with calamine lotion spray, desitin and using technu for prevention. 

So now that I have gone on and on...... I better get busy making some supper!

Thanks for reading!
 Copyright © 2014 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2014 M.E. Masterson


  1. The clothespins that are sold today are nearly worthless. I love the old ones that will hold overalls and bath towels on the line without falling apart.

    Have you ever thought about dehydrating your onions? That's how I solved my onion storage problem. The only time I use fresh is, for instance, in potato salad where I want the crisp raw onion, but for cooking, the dehydrated onions are great.

    Years ago I picked wild blueberries every summer. I knew about a blueberry patch where the berries were so thick that I could sit on the ground, pick all I could reach, scootch along the ground and pick some more. Unfortunately, I scootched through poison ivy that I didn't notice. The oils soaked through my jeans. I'm here to tell you that there is no genteel way to scratch poison ivy rash on your butt, in public.

    1. That is awesome way! I will do that! Thank you! Not sure why I didn't think of that but it is a great idea.

      I have to say I belly laughed at your bum comment this morning. Then I told Mtn Man about it and he had a great laugh too!

      I agree on the clothespins...nothing like the older ones!

  2. That first picture is so great! Your chicks are really cute.

    1. Thanks! What you can't hear is the whining that goes along with the wait...... She gets so anxious she can't help it. She just doesn't want to miss out on anything ever!!


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