Table Talk News


 Peanut The Nut likes to find these little fellas and bring them to us. Now I am sure they really don't appreciate the trip, but it is cute. We have found when she really gets going she piles them up in a pile to save for later. This little one is from this morning.....
This here is my "fabulous" kitchen where I create my delicious meals everyday (3x's a day). You might say I have to use a little imagination when it comes to cooking. I have for right now a convection oven (love), a one gas burner, microwave, a big roaster ( the white thing on top of microwave), flat griddle and a crockpot.
I took the doors off so I don't have to kill myself on the uneven doors and the floor. Every thing in this house is built at a tilt so the doors were pretty much useless as well as the drawers you see in the back there under the micro. Useless! My food pantry is on the other side of that fridge, stove wall it has a room all to itself.
So I guess, my point is just because you might not have a stove or the fancy dancy kitchens they show on t.v. doesn't mean you can't have a wonderful meal out of your little kitchen. Just have to use the ol noggin to figure out how to make it!

Yesterday while waiting out the rain we were in town like I said in yesterdays post. We grabbed some To-Go breakfast and found a park to eat in. Now this park isn't much but it served it's purpose. We came across a sign that said "NO HUNTING" and in the background there stood a deer. At first I thought it was a fake one until I saw a little twitch of the tail this was the moment when I wish I had my camera out. Perfect picture!

We are still working on getting the fence figured out so far the cost of what needs to be done looks to be about $1000. Ugghh! But Lord willing we will have us a fence for our horses soon! Plan on taking Lyfa (My Arab) over to my friends house in Joplin here in the next couple weeks for her retirement years and pick up a mule they have there. Then maybe head for his sisters in Arkansas to pick up her colt so he and Curly can train together. Curly is doing so good after his surgery it was like he never had it done. Means a great doc and the right moon phase. Did you know that farmers and ranchers really do rely on the Moon Phases and Weather Patterns for things they need to get done? We sure do it truly works!

Well I better get off of here and tend to my book editing....... I pray I have a bit extra here soon to hire myself an editor for this book. It is looking good but needs some polishing!
Take care friends Thanks for stopping by!

 Copyright © 2014 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2014 M.E. Masterson


  1. Sometimes we just have to work with what we have!
    Sounds like you are doing a great job of that.

    M :)

    1. Yes Ma'am I am. Thanks for stoppin by Melinda always lovely to see ya!

  2. Turtle looks sweet and intersting pattern and colors on the shell.

    I love your garden and the little gate....

    1. It didn't take him long to leave.....they are pretty!
      Thanks I love my garden gate! I have never tried such a bold color but I do like it lots! So much so that I do believe the chicken gate is getttin yella too!
      Nice to see JUGM!

  3. I often wonder about doors on kitchen cabinets myself. Honestly, there's really only one or two cabinets that need "hiding", so maybe one day I'll open things up and take off the doors. Doesn't matter how small the kitchen, or how many "non-fancy-pants" appliances you may have, if you gott'a cook, you gott'a cook!

    1. That's what I said! To heck with the doors....
      This way I can find anything I need right at my reach. When we eventually live off the grid things will be a little different in our new house but for now it works for me.
      Always nice to see ya Carolyn!


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