Table Talk News


I drive by this tree coming out our 8 mile driveway. As I gaze upon it, leaves me wondering if some little girl had a swing on the lower branch? If maybe this tree had a family sit under it to eat their lunch? If this tree could talk what stories it would have to tell!
The antelope have moved in for the winter. They are a bit scared but they sure are pretty, maybe I will get the privilege to see their babies when they are born.
I have this old pair of boots that did their job for me. I couldn't just throw them out so like my granny used to do I decided to make fence post ornaments out of them. Granny used to take grandpa's corked logging boots and make planters out of them and they would sit up on the fence posts for all to see. She had lots in the yard!
Today I thought we would smoke some deer meat that I had thawed out....we slather it in vinegar/butter mix that gives it that golden look and keeps the meat moist on the inside! It should be yummy!

Looks like the weather is gonna change on us, we may get winter yet! Calling for lows about 12* and snow......


  1. It's fun to wonder about those who were here before us. I sometimes use old boots for planters too. How did your meat turn out?

  2. I can't believe you have no snow yet. Up here in Alaska we have tons...and I mean tons and cold. My daughter just posted on her blog about their weather...40 below and wind. She's at Just found your blog...enjoyed reading it. Stay warm.

  3. Thank you ladies!!!
    @ GL..Had to bring it in the wind picked up! Couldn't keep the heat!
    @ Ginger....checked out you daughter's blog look forward to exploring some more...Thank you!!


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