Rains Again

 Someone mentioned to me that this was going to be a wet summer. I said yeah probably will. I am sorry to those who are suffering drought which is not the case here. My goodness!
Overnight we had 3 1/4" of rain drop on us. This is why I have a river running down my driveway!! 
The weather folks tell us to hold on for more storms moving through and to expect up to 7" of rain through the weekend with this BIG tropical storm that is on land from Texas. 
The last time they had big storms come through one right after another like this the creek had risen to high it came up to my porch out front... if I remember right it was in the 50's. I am hoping that it doesn't get that high.
More pics from this morning.... not much different than you have seen before but dang! Last storm we had where the river running down the drive was 7 3/4" in three days. This as overnight! Now can you see the concern....
Culvert is Working!!

Will keep ya posted!

Ps We have a canoe that we can pile into if the need arises! I told my neighbor now don't laugh if we come down in the canoe with chickens in cages and dogs piled in...He said well I would laugh!
Our rain total thus far for this week 4 1/4"
Love hearing from ya!!!! 
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Copyright © 2015 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2015 M.E. Masterson


  1. Build the ark. Sell tickets. You'll make a fortune! :)

    Kidding aside, we have had a wet early summer as well, but nothing like what you are enduring. We get maybe an inch or so of rain at a time with some sunshine in between. Not sure which is worse - too wet or too dry. Hope the weather gets back to whatever is normal for you. Or tie the canoe to the porch.

  2. I think maybe we prayed a little to hard when we asked for place that will provide plenty of water! Lol!
    Will take the canoe suggestion under advisement...thinking about bringing it up to the back porch... will prepare for the next round of storms headed this way. May be spending time in the hide out for a bit.
    Thanks for stoppin

  3. M.E.,

    I so hear you sweet girl, it's been raining here too. Expecting 7 to 10 inches in 2 days. I covered some of my garden with heavy clear plastic, hopefully what I covered will survive all of this rain. Otherwise, I start over again when the rain stops. We still weren't totally recovered from the rain 2 weeks ago.

    Do you have an area where you can cross to get to your animals to feed and water them?

    Stay dry, be careful, and stay safe.

    P.S. I like how you decorated the outside of your chicken coop :-)

  4. Keep your hip waders handy, M.E., and if you have to get in the canoe, don't forget your paddle! Be safe.


  5. Oh Sandy I feel bad for you and your garden. I do hope it survives these storms!
    I went yesterday and checked on my horses which is at the end of the drive..crossed two crossings to get there...Oh my goodness little swift and deep to get there. But Horses are great! There is no need here to cross the creek ...nobody occupying that space at this moment.
    Fern I hear ya on the hip waders! Hubby has a pair here somewhere.... And paddles for sure!
    Thanks Ladies for checking on me!


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