Table Talk News

Critter Pics

 Thought we better update ya on what is happenin' on the farm.
Gathering wood to keep the home fire burnin'! The cold has set in for sure and our only warmth in the house besides snugglin' is the wood stove. Thank God for that! It has gotten pretty cold a few nights already and we just got started!

The older chickens have decided that now is the time to molt! Ha Ha...they look rather naked without a lot of their feathers. Well not really...but they do look a bit underdressed!
I caught one of the younger ones taking a dirt "bath" in the sunshine. She looked as if she was thoroughly enjoying herself!
I do have a funny story to tell on these new girls. I laughed and laughed at them! The snow showed up overnight and we got a couple inches. Mountain Man went out that morning and opened the coop for them. They stepped foot outside and headed right back for the coop. I told him they will be is all new. Well I went out a bit later, and noticed there was not one chicken in site! Where are my chickies? I giggled! They probably are still in the coop. Too scared to come out in the white stuff. Sure enough they were all (yes, even the old girls), in the coop! They had it all tore up from scratching around, hunting the bugs and seeds. I told them they had to leave before they tore it up more. So I took a lid off the feed bucket and started coraling them out the door. All i heard was screaming and wings flapping....I laughed! Then I went back for more....screaming and flappin' again! I laughed! There was flapping and screaming and my cacklin' coming from that coop. I am sure it was a site for God to see!! Ha Ha Ha White snow was stirred up outside as their toes hit and flappin' and screamin'. Oh my Lord! My stomach hurt from laughin' so much!
Finally got the last three to go out...Turkin, Buffy and Easter Egger! Buffy screamed like she was dying and flew as far as she could go! I lost it then!! Ha Ha Ha
I wish I had a recorder...they were hysterical!!

Life on the farm has it's moments. Animals are so funny!

Well onto the sheep.....The girls are all bred! Ram Lamb did his job well! I expect March babies!
Goaty Goat is headed for the freezer soon! I hate to do it but everybody has a job here on the farm. He is just another on the food chain of life!

Copyright © 2018 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2018 M.E. Masterson


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