Table Talk News

Chicken Coop

To start the day the crew went out to move the pairs from the lower half. Grass has runned out!

So my mission today was to get the Chicky's in their new home...I re-purposed the old house that sits out back by picking the best room in the house where the little ones would not be in danger of critters and would be safe from the weather....
So I trekked over to the horse trailer where I moved them about week and half ago and started moving all the necessary items for them to grow and flourish in their new home! I called Finkbeiner's this morning and since April was headed to town today asked her to go by and pick up all the new goodies for the birds! First I had to move all the rotten, mouse turd infested furniture that was left in the room then I swept the carpet that was left in the room which I left for insulation. Then I layed down the bag of shavings I bought just for this project. Re-purposed the kitchen drawers, the old stereo box, and a homemade microwave cart for their nesting boxes when they are ready for them. Haven't quite finished all that set up but they are ready for set up.
Added their new feeder, new waterer and heat lamp! For the Geese and Duck I made sure to give them a place for them to go swimming(it is the white tray in the corner) they so love their water! Then I moved them from their spot in the horse trailer to their new room....Happy Chicky's and Geese and Duck!!!


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