Table Talk News

Crazy Weather And Baby Calves!

Today we experienced quite a few snow storms with a few white out systems. It was not the optimum time for calves to be born. But a cow missed the memo, and we ended up early this morning with a heifer. She was so cold, that we raced to get her back to the house to warm her up. Yes, we did try to bring her mama back with us but she did not want anything to do with that at all. So the guys went out and gathered her up to be joined with her mama later in the afternoon. Sometimes their hormones do weird things and they lose their minds, leaving their babies to fend for themselves, if we were not diligent they would die. But it turns out this baby is alive and she is healthy!

I anxious for spring to come! Gotta get on my list of things to order for spring, like my little chicks. Yes gonna have me some chickens, with the price of gas goin up we have made an executive decision to get ourselves even more prepared! By up my extras now, and get things ready for our BIG garden. Thinking about buying some sheep too???


  1. Awwww, I just adore the babies. We have a beef/crops operation here on the Ponderosa.

    God bless ya and have a warm and cozy weekend sweetie!!!

  2. It's cold out there for wet babies. They are so lucky to have you all. Chicks are nice in spring!


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