Chickies Havin A Day Of It!

I have to tell ya I am so excited! The first of the youngest had her first wittle egg today!!
I know I am nuts but who cares!! I love my chickens not enough to get salmonella from them but love them!
The girls pretty hollered me down to let them out early today.... that is no joke really! And they had a ball chasing bugs! It is funny to watch those fluffy chicken legs go runnin!

Did I mention I just love my chickies?

Love hearing from ya!!!! FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK TOO! Copyright © 2015 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2015 M.E. Masterson


  1. I don't worry about salmonella from my hens. Maybe cuz I'm a germ freak and wash my hands after going out to their pen ,weather it's feeding them or to gather eggs.

  2. I am too! I wash my hands every time!
    I don't kiss on them either!! LOL!
    Thanks for stoppin by!

  3. Oh, what fun! I'd rather watch the antics of chickens or other animals than a movie. You sure have some pretty ones!

  4. You know I LOVE my chickens too.. they crack me up! It is always fun to get that first egg. We have a MaMa that any day now she should be laying her first, can't wait.

  5. Beautiful birds, my husband retired from the poultry business a few years ago.



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