Currently We Are......
So dang busy!
So let's sewing shop "Yellow She Shack" is taking off! So exciting! Here is a new post on that blog...
And to add to that...Mountain Man has been able to get some projects done in his remodeled shop (still more to go but it is coming along nicely).
He has a list of projects to complete this spring!
On the farm we are getting ready for spring.
The bees are busy, busy....I have kept them warm throughout the winter, which was mild by the way.
I fussed over my bees definitely! Worried at times when the temps got down into the low teens. I found ways to take of my guys and gals this winter by natural ways. Some folks think I am just 'stupid' or crazy but as most of you know I like to do things naturally! So for those who like the organic, natural way to do things here are some of the things I have been doing for my bees and so far it is working. my liquid feeder ( holds 8 cups of liquid so here is what I do:
I use white vinegar in my sugar supplement syrup and I add essential oils, wintergreen and peppermint to the mix. To 4 cups of sugar water 1:1 ratio (4 cups sugar to 4 cups of water) I use about 3-4 drops of each oil and about 1/4 cup vinegar. The other 4 cups I just add sugar and water 1:1 ratio. Just so you know, Vinegar keeps the sugar from spoiling and is a toxin cleaner for the bees. When the mix is consumed by the bees, the oil comes out their pores to deflect the mites/bugs that bees tend to get.
The other thing I did is make them sugar cakes.
I would take 8 cups of sugar and add vinegar/water mix...1:1 adding about 2 cups at a time and add the same amount of oil drops(from the liquid recipe above) as well. Mix it real good until it started sticking together not liquid like but cake like. I added it to a pan lined with wax paper then I stuck it on my wood stove or bbq grill (No, I do not own an oven) ...something that has a low, slow heat for a few hours until it got like a brick consistency. I then placed it carefully, inside my feeder as you can see in the picture. This worked for them all winter long! I did this quite a few times. Plan on going through about 15-20 lbs of sugar per hive.
Sugar water/bricks/cakes gives them the carbs and feed so they can tend to the queen. Did you know the bees feed the queen all the time? She does not forage for herself. If she dies so does the hive.....
My results thus far, no varrao mites. I have an oil pan in the bottom of my hive that catches anything the bees clean off of each other and in the hive. Since May of last year, I have had a total of about 20 hive beetles in the tray until this date. Right now, I believe there is one in the bottom tray.
I intend to add a little bit of cinnamon oil into the corners of the hive to deter the beetles. I also add Ag Lime around the ground of my hive to deter the beetles when they hatch from the ground.
We shall see what happens this year.
I have another Nuc coming this April....That's right more bees coming!
My FIL is building me another style of hive to try out. I am incorporating the flowhive in it as well. Horizontal Hive with FlowHive. Something like this....
I will definitely share that hive when he gets it complete!
Lambs Coming Soon! We are expecting April/May babies!
And I not sure if I shared this yet but we have a couple Nigerian Goats and are expecting babies from her too! Videos coming soon!
Well that is all for me, us...we shall talk to ya again soon!
Thank you to all our supporters! We may not say it very often but we do appreciate each and every one of you! God Bless You from the Bottom of our Hearts!
Mary and Mountain Man
Copyright © 2020 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2020 M.E. Masterson
So let's sewing shop "Yellow She Shack" is taking off! So exciting! Here is a new post on that blog...
And to add to that...Mountain Man has been able to get some projects done in his remodeled shop (still more to go but it is coming along nicely).
Rendezvous plain belt |
Blackpowder Rifle Sleeve |
On the farm we are getting ready for spring.
The bees are busy, busy....I have kept them warm throughout the winter, which was mild by the way.
I fussed over my bees definitely! Worried at times when the temps got down into the low teens. I found ways to take of my guys and gals this winter by natural ways. Some folks think I am just 'stupid' or crazy but as most of you know I like to do things naturally! So for those who like the organic, natural way to do things here are some of the things I have been doing for my bees and so far it is working. my liquid feeder ( holds 8 cups of liquid so here is what I do:
I use white vinegar in my sugar supplement syrup and I add essential oils, wintergreen and peppermint to the mix. To 4 cups of sugar water 1:1 ratio (4 cups sugar to 4 cups of water) I use about 3-4 drops of each oil and about 1/4 cup vinegar. The other 4 cups I just add sugar and water 1:1 ratio. Just so you know, Vinegar keeps the sugar from spoiling and is a toxin cleaner for the bees. When the mix is consumed by the bees, the oil comes out their pores to deflect the mites/bugs that bees tend to get.
I would take 8 cups of sugar and add vinegar/water mix...1:1 adding about 2 cups at a time and add the same amount of oil drops(from the liquid recipe above) as well. Mix it real good until it started sticking together not liquid like but cake like. I added it to a pan lined with wax paper then I stuck it on my wood stove or bbq grill (No, I do not own an oven) ...something that has a low, slow heat for a few hours until it got like a brick consistency. I then placed it carefully, inside my feeder as you can see in the picture. This worked for them all winter long! I did this quite a few times. Plan on going through about 15-20 lbs of sugar per hive.
Sugar water/bricks/cakes gives them the carbs and feed so they can tend to the queen. Did you know the bees feed the queen all the time? She does not forage for herself. If she dies so does the hive.....
My results thus far, no varrao mites. I have an oil pan in the bottom of my hive that catches anything the bees clean off of each other and in the hive. Since May of last year, I have had a total of about 20 hive beetles in the tray until this date. Right now, I believe there is one in the bottom tray.
I intend to add a little bit of cinnamon oil into the corners of the hive to deter the beetles. I also add Ag Lime around the ground of my hive to deter the beetles when they hatch from the ground.
We shall see what happens this year.
I have another Nuc coming this April....That's right more bees coming!
My FIL is building me another style of hive to try out. I am incorporating the flowhive in it as well. Horizontal Hive with FlowHive. Something like this....
I will definitely share that hive when he gets it complete!
Lambs Coming Soon! We are expecting April/May babies!
And I not sure if I shared this yet but we have a couple Nigerian Goats and are expecting babies from her too! Videos coming soon!
Well that is all for me, us...we shall talk to ya again soon!
Thank you to all our supporters! We may not say it very often but we do appreciate each and every one of you! God Bless You from the Bottom of our Hearts!
Mary and Mountain Man
Copyright © 2020 M.E. Masterson All Photographs Copyright © 2020 M.E. Masterson
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